Надежда Гасанова (ngasanova) wrote,
Надежда Гасанова


Лето в моем журнале

От художников Америки и Европы

Stanisław Wyspiański (Polish artist, 1869-1907)
Girl with Violets, 1896

Carl Timoleon von Neff (Estonian artist, 1804–1877)
Portrait of a Young Lady

William Etty (British artist, 1787-1849)
Lady Templeton’s Daughter

Philip Hermogenes Calderon (English Painter, 1833-1898)
Sylvia Grey

Pierre-Auguste Renoir (French Impressionist Painter, 1841-1919)
Portrait de Lise

William Henry Margetson (British artist, 1861-1940)
Woman on Terrace

Charles Spencelayh (British genre painter, 1865-1958)
The Birdsnest

Franz Dvorak (Hungarian artist, 1862-1927)
In the Orchard 1912

Laura Muntz Lyall (Canadian Impressionist Painter, 1860-1930)
Reading Outdoors

Vlahe Bukovca (Croatian painter, 1855-1922)
Young Patrician Lady 1890

William Holman Hunt (English artist, 1827–1910)
Miss Gladys

Joaquín Sorolla (Spanish artist, 1863-1923)
Maria dressed as a Valencian peasant girl 1906

Eugene de Blaas. (Italian artist, 1843-1932)
Venetian Beauty on Balcony

Laura Muntz Lyall (Canadian artist, 1860 –1930)
Oriental Poppies

Giovanni Giacometti (Swiss artist, 1868-1933)

George Clausen (English artist, 1852-1944)
The Haymaker in Shadows 1904

Jean-François Portaels (Belgian painter, 1818-1895)

Witold Wojtkiewicz (Polish artist, 1879-1909)
Portrait of Liza Pareńska

José María Tamburini Y Dalmau (Italian artist, 1856-1932)

Tags: женщины в живописи, лето

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