Надежда Гасанова (ngasanova) wrote,
Надежда Гасанова



Лондон один из самых значимых городов мира. Его рисовали многие художники
и оставили нам память об этом красивейшем городе в разные времена.

1 Canaletto_Westminster_Bridge_1746.jpg

Antonio Canal, called Canaletto (1697-1768)-'Westminster bridge from
the north on Lord Mayor's day' -1746

2  Paul%2C-John-Dean_Old-Westminster-Bridge%2C-with-the-Abbey-beyond.jpg

After John Dean Paul (1775-1852)-'old Westminster bridge, with the Abbey beyond'

3 Anderson_John_Macvicar_A_London_Panorama_Oil_On_Canvas-large.jpg

John Macvisar Anderson (1835-1913)-'London panorama'- Private collection

4 Anderson_View-of-Westminster-from-the-River-Thames.jpg

John Macvisar Anderson (1835-1913)-'view of Westminster from the river Thames'

5 Hunt_London-Bridge-on-the-Night-of-the-Marriage-of-the-Prince-and-Princess-of-Wales.jpg

William Holman Hunt (1827-1910)-'London bridge on the night of the
marriage of the prince and princess of Wales'


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Tags: Лондон, ХХХ
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