Надежда Гасанова (ngasanova) wrote,
Надежда Гасанова

Минуты веселья.

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Радость является внешним проявлением внутреннего благополучия
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1 Tea_Party_(1905)_by_Louis_Moeller.jpg

Louis Charles Moeller (1856-1930)-'tea party'- 1905 Private collection

2 Wojciech_Gerson-The_shepherds_concert.jpg

Wojciech Gerson (1831-1901)-'the shepherds concert'- 1862 Warsaw-Royal Museum

3 Francois-Auguste_Biard_-_Triomphe_d'un_T_nor_dans_une_Matin_e_musicale.jpg

François-Auguste Biard (1799-1882)-'triumph of a tenor in a musical morning'
- Private collection

4 Otto_Erdmann_Genreszene_aus_dem_18_Jh_Musik.jpg

Otto Wilhelm Eduard Erdmann (1834-1905)-'in the music room of a noble house'

5 R._Brakenburg_Feast_of_St_Nicholas_1685.jpg

Richard Brakenburg (1650-1702)-'feast of St Nicholas'- 1685
Amsterdam-Amstelkring Museum

6 Pehr_Hilleström-Bordssällskap_i_en_bondstuga.jpg

Pehr Hilleström (1732-1816)-'convivial scene in a peasants cottage'-
Stockholm-National Museum

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