Надежда Гасанова (ngasanova) wrote,
Надежда Гасанова

Гобелены по эскизам


Bernard van Orley (circa 1491/1492–1542)
Adoration of the Kings
circa 1530 –35
Metropolitan Museum of Art


Bernard van Orley (circa 1491/1492–1542)
Twelve Ages of Man: The First Three Ages of Man (Birth-18), or Spring
circa 1515
(414 x 721.4 cm)
Metropolitan Museum of Art


Bernard van Orley
The Twelve Ages of Man: The Second Three Ages of Man (18-36), or Summer
  circa 1515
(443.2 x 734.1 cm)
Metropolitan Museum of Art


Bernard van Orley
Twelve Ages of Man: The Third Three Ages of Man (36-54), or Autumn
circa 1515
(444.5 x 726.4 cm)
Metropolitan Museum of Art


Bernard van Orley (circa 1491/1492–1542)
The Twelve Ages of Man: The Last Three Ages of Man (54-72), or Winter
circa 1515
Medium  Wool, silk (16-20 warps per inch, 6-8 per cm.)
(444.5 x 716.3 cm)
Metropolitan Museum of Art


Arrival of the statue of Notre-Dame to Brussels, from the tenture of Notre-Dame du Sablon
1518, wool and silk
Cinquantenaire Museum - Brussels, Belgium

Arrival of the statue of Notre-Dame to Brussels, from the tenture of Notre-Dame du Sablon (DETAIL)
1518, wool and silk
Cinquantenaire Museum - Brussels, Belgium


The First Apparition of the Virgin to Beatrice Soetkens, from the tenture of Notre-Dame du Sablon
wool and silk
Cinquantenaire Museum - Brussels, Belgium


After Bernard van Orley (circa 1491/1492–1542)
Workshop of Pieter van Edingen  (1450–)
circa 1520
tapestry 49 cm х 860 cm
Patrimonio Nacional, Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso


design by Bernard van Orley, woven in Brussels
“February” is an allegorical tribute to the hun
March 1531
Louvre Museum


design by Bernard van Orley, woven in Brussels
The Month of June, from The Hunt of Maximilian series
March 1531
Louvre Museum


design by Bernard van Orley, woven in Brussels
The Month of July, from The Hunt of Maximilian series
March 1531
Louvre Museum


design by Bernard van Orley, woven in Brussels
The Month of September, from The Hunt of Maximilian series
March 1531
Louvre Museum

A German hunting tapestry,
copy after 'Les Chasses de Maximilien', representing The Month of September,
after Bernard van Orley, München
circa 1920/30
Аукцион Сотбис


Bernard van Orley (vers 1488-1541)
Agen (détail)
Tapisserie des Gobelins - "Le Printemps", de la série allégorique dite des "Saisons de Lucas"
Musée de beaux-arts


Bernard van Orley (vers 1488-1541)
Agen (détail)
Tapisserie des Gobelins - "Le Printemps", de la série allégorique dite des "Saisons de Lucas"
Musée de beaux-arts


Серия 12 Месяцев
(Twelve Months)_8_Август (October)
1525-1528_464.8 x 383.5_гобелен
Нью-Йорк, Музей Метрополитен


Серия 12 Месяцев
(Twelve Months)_10_Октябрь (October)
1525-1528_464.8 x 383.5_гобелен
Нью-Йорк, Музей Метрополитен


Pieter Pannemaker I, раб ок 1517-1535 во Фландри
Распятие (The Crucifixion) (по ван Орлею)
ок.1520_369.6 х 354.3_гобелен
Вашингтон, Национальная галерея

Bernard van Orley  (circa 1491/1492–1542)
Saint Veronica
Flemish, probably Brussels; Tapestry; Textiles-Tapestries
circa 1525
Wool, silk, gilded silver metal-wrapped threads
(172.7 × 129.5 cm)
Metropolitan Museum of Art


Bernard van Orley (circa 1491/1492–1542)
William Drmoyen

The Battl of Pavia.
manufactured in Bruxelles
between 1528 and 1531
Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte


After Bernard van Orley
Les Chasses de l'Empereur Maximilien : La Curée, Juin (Mois de juin. 2e tenture).
between 1685 and 1687
300 cm х 460 cm
  Château de Pau


Decorative textiles; an illustrated book on coverings for furniture, walls and floors, including
damasks, brocades and velvets, tapestries, laces, embroideries, chintzes, cretonnes,
drapery and furniture trimmings, wall papers, carpets and rugs, tooled and illuminated leathers (1918)


After Bernard van Orley
Les Chasses de l'Empereur Maximilien : Le cer au buisson (mois d'août. 7e tenture) DETAIL
circa 1720 316 × 286 cm
Château de Pau

Гобелены по эскизам художника Бернарда ван Орлея

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